Collin Kartchner, founder of #Save the Kids, # Save the Parents, #Stop Giving Kids Smartphones, is 100% the reason I AM SO passionate about helping kids with tech! He suggested reading Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance, by Nicholas Kardaras, and it FREAKED ME OUT! Since then, I have been educating myself, my friends, and my kids about tech addictions, and how to avoid it! Collin unfortunately passed away unexpectedly in 2020, but his legacy will continue forever. Collin was Youth Advocate, Social Media Activist, TEDx Speaker and Dad, and he 100% was/still is SAVING THE KIDS! He traveled the country giving 300-500 yearly presentations to youth on the dangers of social media and smartphones. Collin's mission was help educate parents on the damage social media and 24/7 access to peer culture will have on their child's mental health. His goal was to help teens rise above social media comparison, negativity, cyber bullying, and the stress of being perfect. His legacy will continue, #saving the kids will continue, and countless kids will be saved from tech addiction because of him. Like Collin said "smartphones and social media, when we hand them to our kids, it is LITERALLY stealing their joy." So what do we need to do? "First save ourselves (from our tech addiction), and reconnect with them (our kids)" His legacy lives on with @SaveTheKidsInc, and his personal instagram @collinkartchner. #stopgivingkidssmartphones, His TEDx talk is below. I encourage you to listen to it! "As adults and parents, we have to break free from our screen dependency, and our social media addiction, we have to start modeling healthy digital behavior, for our kids, who don't hear us, they see us. We have to teach them from our example that our worth and our self esteem doesn't depend on likes on a photo. we have to teach them from our example that it's ok to show the world that we aren't ok, that we all feel alone and inadequate and sometimes the day just sucks... We have to be more aware of how our digital behavior is affecting our kids. " When is the best appropriate age to give my kid a phone? When are you ok with him to start looking at pornography, when are you ok with her to start feeling anxiety, and question her self-worth, because the minute we hand our kids these devices, they stop being a kid. For the parents who feel stuck, whose your son or daughter are too far down from the rabbit hole, it is never too late to step up and be a parent." "Smartphones and social media, when we hand them to our kids, it is literally stealing their joy. It's robbing them from the ability to create and feel real connection, instead of dealing with their emotions and feelings head on, kids are just scrolling their phones to numb their pain and their feelings, which is robbing them of resiliency." |
BLOG POSTSBehind Mindful Family TechAli is a mama of 5 cute kiddos, who wants her children and others to know there is a great big world out there, and you'll miss it, if your head is in a screen Old Posts |